Screw your promises!
Your No good lines,
Faking the love we had that night.
Forget the 'ily's'
I don't give a rats bottom what you do.
Just leave me be.
Today you are nothing to me!
Feed me your cold blooded lies,
Choke me with your dishonest truth.
Strangle me with your fake butt love.
Kill me with your sweet lines you got on google every night.
Your words are puffs of smoke in the air,
Not memorable or needed here.
My heart tied to yours,
the only way out is to break my heart..
toss myself into eternal depression,
Throw my heart out,
Let the world stomp it dry,
and continue my way.. until I die..
I dont want love.. and Love, please dont come and find me.
Dislocated Heart